[ Climbing The Corporate Ladder ] A Job seekers' Success Story, Struggles, Lessons Lean't, Regrets & Failures

Greetings Fellas !

Are you all fine, Right ?

As per heading above, today we have come up with an idea of trying to share an experience that you can learn from or just adjust something in order to fast track your success.

What we're going to tell you isn't an abracadabra that needs to be deciphered in any way whether intelligently or whatever you name it.

What do we really mean ?

Just simple adjustments that can also be done by a any newbie or even a layman.

It's AjiraAlerts' greatest hope that everything will be right  when you seriously take every step into consideration.

Rule of Thumb: | Ideas of just learning something is just the beginning, the real challenge is putting them in motion - Dillon
As we're nearing the end of the year, every able bodied person needs to dust off, put all the weapons together and head for struggle.

Today, exclusively we have decided to share to you one of the struggle one of the Job seekers has been undergoing till when he me made it happen.

We know how many of you feel when it comes to repetitive rejections. mockery and denial . You feel so down and discouraged.

With this confession you'll wake wake with all the energy and make lemonade out of the lemons thrown at you.

Yes, Get Inspired !

As you wake up, pick your tools and prepare for struggles ahead, you need to keep in mind that you even prepare your luck as it's well set when preparations meet opportunity.

Never ever Give up as you know even the word IMPOSSIBLE itself says I M POSSIBLE !!

Ready for a Story ?

Let's Go !

First Interview: Ocean Road Cancer Institute ( ORCI ) - Dar es Salaam.

This exactly was my first interview in my after my graduation at Muhimbili of Health and Allied Sciences, class of 2016. I applied for the vacancy after seeing the ADVERT  via AjiraAlerts blog ( AjiraAlerts.com )from Morogoro region where i was doing some hustles to make ends meet ( You know ). After reading the Ad shared, i applied and luckily i got shortlisted for an interviewthat was to be conducted  in Dar es Salaam.

The only vacancy is contesting was 1 and we were 5 who were contesting for the post. There were two females and other two three more graduates ( including me )..

Oh My Gosh ! One of the female candidate was very bright as i know her as we were college mate at MUHAS but different years !

I conducted the interview with a very great confidence, answering all the questions asked properly and to the best of my knowledge

Guess what ?

Luck wasn't on my side !

I didn't secure the job.

My brightest university mate did.

I got back home.

Second Interview : Tanzania Foods and Drug Authority ( TFDA ) - Dar es Salaam.

With same process, The corporation advertised the vacancy and as i bumped into the ad - I applied.
The vacancy  was open for all suitable for all candidates. I applied for the vacancy and got shortlisted again.

We were 5 candidates who were shortlisted and we had to undergo 2 interviews ( both Oral and Written ).

Also Read: [ UniLife ] Proven Set of Criteria Every Student Should Consider Before Buying a New Laptop for Campus Use ( Laptop Nzuri kwa Matumizi ya Chuo )

                                             1 - Written Interview.

In our first interview we were to attend at DUCE in Dar es Salaam, and so many prospects were called for  the Interview sessions.
I had to fight to the best of my ability as they were only 5 vacancies available.

The paper was set and it was very tight. I answered clearly the questions.

Wow ! I managed to get selected for the second Interview ( Oral Interview )
The Oral Interview was to be conducted at TFDA Head Quarters in Dare es Salaam within 2 weeks after the Written Interview.

On the D - Day as normal i attended there very early, We were 12 Candidate.
During the Interview time, I answered many questions asked as competitively as i could.

OOOPS ! To the worst of my luck, I got NO to a Job Offer !!

What a Disappointment !!

Really heart breaking.

                     The struggle continues ................!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Must Read: You Won't Succeed in Job Interviews, Unless You Employ These 6 BOLD Strategies !!

Third Interview: Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences

The vacancies were advertised via UTUMISHI,  and i applied.
As usual i got alerted via AjiraAlerts.com. We were called for an Interview in Dar es Salaam,

With blessings, I managed tom get a Job offer here and now i'm working at Muhimbili Orthopedic Institute ( MOI ) as a Doctor in Diagnostic Radiography.

Yes, I'm a specialist when it comes to MRI, Ultrasound, X-Rays and the likes .

Never ever give up. God is watching you !!

                                      What I Lean't Through The Process  ?

1 - Don't Fear.

Apply for any Job vacancy that comes your way as long as you got qualifications for the post. Don't think that all vacancies are for the chosen few.

2 - Never Ever Hold Grudges ( Get Used TO Rejection )

Get fair, learn through the mistakes and improve after every interview you make.

Yes, Avoid the BLAME GAME.

3 - Prepare For an Interview To the Best of Your Abilities.

Get all the knowledge about the company or organisation you have applied. Know their Visions and Missions.

Read !! Read !! Both the technical part of the vacancy you're applying and the basic information of the organisation. Thank me later !!

It helps !

4 - Attend All The Interviews You Managed to Get !

Even if it's only a single vacancy is open and there so many candidates out there. Life is a race.

They are always good and high paying Jobs out there , Go Grab one ...............!!!

You Deserve !!

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Use the comment box below or email us via Ajiraalerts@gmail.com

Reply within 24 hours !!

We wish you the best of luck !!

Thank you !!

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